Barbounaki dia xeiros Papaioannou

Charitos 39b, Athina 106 75, Greece
Category : EAT
Location : ATHENS

Passion for fresh seafood “gave birth” to a fashionable hangout on Haritos street at Kolonaki area, whose mission is to introduce the seabed lovers to the secret family recipes with the finest goodies in the Mediterranean Sea. Barbounaki encloses the sea inside and expresses its great love for its treasures with a menu that honors the true Aegean flavors and the affordable gastronomy. The menu includes seafood specialties by George Papaioannou named after the famous fish restaurant, which focuses on excellent raw materials, bringing to our plates delicious seafood, shrimp, squid, shortfin, octopus, crabs and shellfish with incredible freshness. The kritharoto crawfish notes great success, but also the fish soup accompanied by ouzo and raki.

Open daily 13: 00-01:00.

39B, Haritos Str., Kolonaki
Tel .: +30 210 7242717
Fb: Barbounaki

Passion for fresh seafood “gave birth” to a fashionable hangout on Haritos street at Kolonaki area, whose mission is to introduce the seabed lovers to the secret family recipes with the finest goodies in the Mediterranean Sea. Barbounaki encloses the sea inside and expresses its great love for its treasures with a menu that honors the true Aegean flavors and the affordable gastronomy. The menu includes seafood specialties by George Papaioannou named after the famous fish restaurant, which focuses on excellent raw materials, bringing to our plates delicious seafood, shrimp, squid, shortfin, octopus, crabs and shellfish with incredible freshness. The kritharoto crawfish notes great success, but also the fish soup accompanied by ouzo and raki.

Open daily 13: 00-01:00.

39B, Haritos Str., Kolonaki
Tel .: +30 210 7242717
Fb: Barbounaki

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