
Ανω Ποταμια, Άνω Ποταμιά Ναξου 843 00, Greece
Category : INFO
Location : NAXOS

Potamia is one of the most beautiful and most traditional villages of Naxos. It hardly 8kmfar from the harbour of country and it is lodged in a green valley with age-long platans, a lot gardens with fruitful trees and various other beauties that make the visitor be wonder- struck. It took the name after the rivers that crossing the village and running all seasons. It is constituted by four settlements: Pano Potamia, Mesaia Potamia, Kato Potamia and Lierado. It has permanent population 362 residents (census 2001), that the summertime is increased. The residents deal with the agriculture and the livestock-farming. Main products are the oil, the citrus fruits, the horticultural and cheeses. The visitor can wander in the stone natural peripatetic paths, visit the Above Castle and the Girl of Potamia (statue of woman). He should not leave out to visit the marble “faucet of Faraksou'”, for which fables report that Franc house-holders shaped the primitive aspect in order to seat their sovereigns in the around channels and discuss for their romantic loves for the voluptuous sovereigns. Also, in south-western Kato Potamia it is the land property Agios Mamas andthe Byzantine church of the 9th century, the Virgin Mary, as well as 34 other old churches and chapels that are also scattered in the four settlements. Finally, each visitor that will be found in this graphic village can taste the tastiest homemade titbits in the traditional shops, as well as the hospitality, the kindness and the politeness of persons of Potamia.

Potamia is one of the most beautiful and most traditional villages of Naxos. It hardly 8kmfar from the harbour of country and it is lodged in a green valley with age-long platans, a lot gardens with fruitful trees and various other beauties that make the visitor be wonder- struck. It took the name after the rivers that crossing the village and running all seasons. It is constituted by four settlements: Pano Potamia, Mesaia Potamia, Kato Potamia and Lierado. It has permanent population 362 residents (census 2001), that the summertime is increased. The residents deal with the agriculture and the livestock-farming. Main products are the oil, the citrus fruits, the horticultural and cheeses. The visitor can wander in the stone natural peripatetic paths, visit the Above Castle and the Girl of Potamia (statue of woman). He should not leave out to visit the marble “faucet of Faraksou'”, for which fables report that Franc house-holders shaped the primitive aspect in order to seat their sovereigns in the around channels and discuss for their romantic loves for the voluptuous sovereigns. Also, in south-western Kato Potamia it is the land property Agios Mamas andthe Byzantine church of the 9th century, the Virgin Mary, as well as 34 other old churches and chapels that are also scattered in the four settlements. Finally, each visitor that will be found in this graphic village can taste the tastiest homemade titbits in the traditional shops, as well as the hospitality, the kindness and the politeness of persons of Potamia.

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